
We understand the importance of finding the right staff for your team.

Our consultants have the expertise and knowledge required to assist companies though the recruitment maze. By taking the time to understand exactly what you are looking for, our consultants will guide you through the recruitment process, offering alternatives and solutions that best fit your company and budget.

Sher•pa (sher-puh )

noun. plural. Sherpa or Sher•pas
1. the term has become slang for a guide or mentor in other situations.

We understand the importance of finding the right staff and will sit down with you to develop a recruitment plan that fits your requirements and budget. Our role is not to ‘find the quick solution’ to fill the job but to ‘find the right solution’ to meet your needs.

Con•sul•tant (kuh n-suhl-tnt)

1. One who gives expert or professional advice.
2. One who consults another.

Sometimes the most obvious solution is not the answer. At BaseCamp Consulting, our consultants, having taken the time to understand what you are looking for, are able to offer a number of solutions to allow you to make the most beneficial recruitment decision for your business. Good recruitment help does not have to strain the budget and at BaseCamp Consulting, we will work with you to find recruitment solutions that are feasible, cost sensitive and effective.

People hire on skills but fire on attitude……… At BaseCamp Consulting, we help you get the right team with the right skills and the right attitude …. At the right price.